Does EUREKA provide curriculum?
No. EUREKA does NOT provide curriculum, and it is not included in the price of the program. We partner with parents who are already using curriculum. We are available to help make curriculum choices and suggest programs we have found to be successful. Students enrolling in the Eureka Academy will get a curriculum list and must purchase these text books and supplies to complete Academy courses.
Does EUREKA provide transcripts or grades?
No. EUREKA is not a school. Families enrolled are either taking advantage of our programs in addition to enrollment in traditional school, are members of private school satellite program (PSP), or file their own school affidavit. It is through these schools that academic credit is received. Parents are the primary educators. EUREKA is your educational support partner. It is the parent’s responsibility to demonstrate proof of their child’s progress and completion of coursework.
We will provide accurate assessments of your child's work at your request. As your child's primary educator, you may use our assessment.
At what academic level should my child be to participate?
Classes are open to students of many ability levels. Your child may struggle in math but excel in writing; be above average in math and struggle with comprehension; or do well in all areas. Our teachers will partner with each student to help him/her achieve their greatest potential. Students with extreme needs (ADHD, severe learning disabilities, autism, etc.) may not be a good fit for EUREKA, however we are open to work with all families and all children.
Do you accept students with special needs? ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, Asperger's Syndrome, etc.
Yes. We have had great success working with students who have all the above mentioned special needs. We emphasize that a positive and cooperative relationship with the parent, the teacher, and the student is essential. All students are welcome in the program regardless of their "special" needs.
Can I decide what work my student is required to do?
Yes. EUREKA will not be adding to your child’s regular work load without your full understanding and consent. Some children will thrive on more work, others may need less. Our program is designed to support parents in teaching the curriculum that the parent has already planned.
We do provide opportunities for your child to improve in math, writing, reading, and Bible knowledge through drills, writing lessons, recitation, and reading opportunities, however none of our assignments are required.
Can we take family vacations during the quarter? How might that impact their work?
Students are enrolled month, quarter, or year, not per day. Therefore, you are free to attend all classes offered during a quarter or miss as many as you need based on your family’s schedule. Keep in mind tuition and fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Assigned work may be completed before vacation or turned in when the student returns to class. You are responsible to log attendance and complete work as needed.
How often do the students attend class?
Para-School Classes are scheduled Wednesdays and Thursdays 8:15am-3:00pm. In addition, field study days may be planned during the quarter on other days of the week.
Academy Classes are Wednesdays and Thursdays 3:30-4:30 and Algebra 1 also meets on Mondays 2:00-3:00
Monday School Classes are 9:00-Noon
Is there a dress code?
Students should dress in a way that will not attract undue attention, distract themselves or others from learning, and will not be a safety hazard (during play time.) We are mainly concerned with modesty and respect. We will speak to parents regarding issues related to dress if the need arises. Please use common sense and do not send your child to EUREKA events in immodest or distracting clothing.
How is class behavior managed?
The core of our desire is to mentor and guide our students. We follow the words of Solomon to his own son when he said, "My son, give me your heart and let your eyes observe my ways." It is our desire to nurture in our students an internal desire to behave by modeling and rewarding godly behavior. EUREKA students are expected to abide by the Behavior Code, which they signed before attending classes. If violations to these policies are observed, the student we talk things over and let the parent know of the issue. If a student continues to violate the policy, student may be placed on probation and parents will be expected to attend classes with the student for a predetermined period. If there continues to be a problem of noncompliance, the student will be dismissed from attending class and will not be allowed to register for the following semester. No refunds will be given.
What is the parents' role?
Parents are welcome to attend classes throughout the day, however, a distinctive of Eureka is providing a productive environment where students can experience a somewhat traditional school learning environment and parents can have two days to suppot their families in other ways. Parents are responsible to provide the overall guidance and direction for their student's achievement and are the primary educator. Parents are expected to communicate weekly with Eureka teachers.
Is there time for socializing?
Yes! During the lunch break, students build friendships and have an opportunity to fellowship. We will have special theme days, such as "50’s" and "Twin Day." EUREKA will also organize family nights at local restaurants and homes. We will have park days and field days also!
Are instructors available to work with students on non class days?
Yes. Teachers are available to meet with your child and offer extra support at an additional cost. In addition, we provide guitar, piano and other extra-curricular classes. Please refer to the schedule of fees for more information.
EUREKA also has the TAP (Teacher Access Pass) to take advantage of non-class day help! Teachers are available to work with your child in any core or non-core subject area. This is a great help to parents.
What if we are late or miss a class?
Please contact Eureka if you are going to be late or miss a class. Classes are not rescheduled or refunded.
My high school student needs volunteer hours, can he/she volunteer with Eureka?
Yes! We love working with and supporting high school students.
The school year has begun, can we still enroll?
Yes! Eureka has open enrollment at the beginning of each month through May of the current academic year.
Where does Eureka hold class?
Classes are held at La Mirada Christian Church as well as local parks, libraries, and museums!
Yes. We hold dearly and take seriously the truths of God's Words. We have summarized our beliefs in a non-denominational statement. Eureka is NOT a good fit for families who have personal conflict with or are unwilling to support our statement of faith. You will be asked to read and sign the statement of faith before enrolling.